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Kenny Odom gains authority online with ZEEF and Social Media. Ken can help you make money and share their passion online

Kenny Odom's Bio:

Check out Kenny Odom's Personal Zeef page to find links to everything he is working on to develop expertise online @   Kenny Odom is a student at Maharishi University of Management, the home of Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness based education. Check out thier School ZEEF page @   Kenny majors in Media and Communications and loves putting his focus on helping ordinary people change society. Kenny has been given the honorable privilege of being the Social Media Marketer of an amazing book called "The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein", acclaimed by the Dalai Lama and Neil deGrasse Tyson as some of the best Einstein literature ever published. If you want to check out the book please visit @   Kenny worked with and helped start a non-profit (for-purpose) organization called Flintopia in Flint MI, which is currently preparing to Permaculture and Myco-culture the entire east side of the city. Please like their Facebook page @ to keep tabs on the cool stuff they do!   Kenny also works with the Marketing Department of M.U.M. as a ZEEF Social Media Columnist. You can see thier conscious and sustainable content @    Kenny studies the epic Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness from The University of Science and Philosophy. He is currently developing a website focused on making Youtube video's and content derived from the Course in Cosmic Consciousness in order to help Man/Woman-kind live the divine lives we all desire as One. Kenny created a ZEEF dedicated to the founder of The University of Science and Philosophy to organize and share his passion for Cosmic Consciousness @   "Better is it for him that he knoweth not his numbers, nor his letters, than that he knoweth not the Beauty of the Dawn." - The Message of the Divine Iliad Vol:2 The Book of Beauty Walter Russell

Kenny Odom's Experience:

  • Social Media Columnist at Marketing Department at M.U.M.

    Besides brainstorming, creating, and maintaining the MUM ZEEF Network @ Kenny has weekly meetings to discuss website changes, social media advertising, conversion links, analytics, SEO, and putting up posters.

  • Technical Support at teleNetwork

    Troubleshoot Internet and television connectivity issues over the phone.

  • Social Media Manager at

    I have developed a Social Media plan to help market 2 AMAZING books! The first book is "The Cosmic View of Albert Einstein" and the second is "Albert Schweitzer: Reverence for Life". Check out our website at

  • Senior Associate at Flintopia

    What I do at Flintopia is what Flintopian's do best. Create the Culture!

Kenny Odom's Education:

  • Maharishi University of Management

  • FastTrain of Clearwater

    Computer Technician Certification
    Concentration: Information Technology

Kenny Odom's Interests & Activities:

Marketing, ZEEF, Social Media, Attraction-based Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Content Curation, Online business, Maharishi University of Management, Sustainable Living, Media and Communications, Fairfield, Iowa, The University of Science and Philosophy, Science, Philosophy, Russellian Philosophy, Cosmic Consciousness, A Course in Miracles, Jesus, Art, Guitar, Drums, Music

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